Introduction to Strategic Thought



This is new book for Officer Cadets of Nepali Military Academy, Kharipati): I have identified Seven World Wars since the Golden Age/ Satya Yuga, Silver Age/Treta Yuga, Copper or Bronze Age/Dwapar Yuga, Iron Age/Kali Yuga.

Published By: Research Center for Peace and Development, Dhumbarahi

Original Price NRs 500/- Selling Price NRs 99/-



(This is new book for Officer Cadets of Nepali Military Academy, Kharipati): I have identified Seven World Wars since the Golden Age/ Satya Yuga, Silver Age/Treta Yuga, Copper or Bronze Age/Dwapar Yuga, Iron Age/Kali Yuga. The Seven World Wars are the following:

  1. First World War was fought between Gods-Goddesses and Demons like Sumbha and Nisumbha during the Golden Age. In this Age, Nepal’s name was Satyawati.
  2. Second World War was during Silver Age (Treta Yug) between Lord Ram and demon King Ravana. Nepal’s name was Tapobana.
  3. Third World War or Mahabharata War was at the end of Copper Age (Dwaper Yug) around five thousands one hundred eighteen years ago. Nepal’s name was Muktiswopana.
  4. Forth World War, which is called First World War, was broke out during 1914-19 in which German was defeated.
  5. Fifth World War, which is called Second World War, broke out during 1935-45. In this war, British were defeated.
  6. Sixth World War was held during 1996-2006 between Nepal Army and the Maoist (between Nepali and Nepali just like Kaurav and Pandav).
  7. Seventh World War began in 2020 from China through a small virus Corona. Millions of people are suffering from COVID-19 in the world.
  8. It also consists of Political Tanyra and Political Tantra.Published By: Research Center for Peace and Development, Dhumbarahi
    Original Price NRs 500/- Selling Price NRs 99/-