(This is new book for Officer Cadets of Nepali Military Academy, Kharipati): I have identified Seven World Wars since the Golden Age/ Satya Yuga, Silver Age/Treta Yuga, Copper or Bronze Age/Dwapar Yuga, Iron Age/Kali Yuga. The Seven World Wars are the following:
- First World War was fought between Gods-Goddesses and Demons like Sumbha and Nisumbha during the Golden Age. In this Age, Nepal’s name was Satyawati.
- Second World War was during Silver Age (Treta Yug) between Lord Ram and demon King Ravana. Nepal’s name was Tapobana.
- Third World War or Mahabharata War was at the end of Copper Age (Dwaper Yug) around five thousands one hundred eighteen years ago. Nepal’s name was Muktiswopana.
- Forth World War, which is called First World War, was broke out during 1914-19 in which German was defeated.
- Fifth World War, which is called Second World War, broke out during 1935-45. In this war, British were defeated.
- Sixth World War was held during 1996-2006 between Nepal Army and the Maoist (between Nepali and Nepali just like Kaurav and Pandav).
- Seventh World War began in 2020 from China through a small virus Corona. Millions of people are suffering from COVID-19 in the world.
- It also consists of Political Tanyra and Political Tantra.Published By: Research Center for Peace and Development, Dhumbarahi
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